Wednesday, February 27, 2008

A gated community

Some folks purchase baby gates from the normal venues like a Babies R Us. Not the Sawyers. We go through a pet website to get the gate we need. The dilemma arose when we needed a gate to keep the babies in but big sis could have access to come and go as she pleases. Research led to pet sites...evidently folks with dogs have this same problem. A toddler who needs to open the gate and a dog needing to be contained. Sarah is currently that dog. MM runs when Sarah chases her. We try to call Sarah to crawl to us. She is happy when given a few cheerio biscuits. I can see the future therapy sessions now...


Kristen said...

there is something about the look on Sarah's face in that first photo that I just love.

those sawyer ladies are cute something fierce.

Murry said...

ever heard of herding cats?

The Sherrill Family said...

that is hilarious. I love it!