Monday, January 5, 2009

a little taste will do....

A long overdue post...
leann barczi is my version of "material girl" not what you are thinking. try literal. she is helping redo our couch. one evening while working, nathan came over to join in also. after being conned by our eldest, he and leann were able to witness something else.
caroline was running around and somehow her diaper came off and was just in one leg of her pjs. seeing that she was completely wet, I soon discovered what had happened. I grabed another pair of pjs and went to work changing her. however, I did not know she had poop also. while changing her, I tried to gather all the poop nuggets (sorry if too graphic) and get her changed. after changing her, I realized liney was munching on something. I asked her to spit it out... you can guess what it was if you are familiar with her (see post july 17th). POOP.
and we had witnesses. poor jacob barczi...

not to be out done....
Ms. Tress came over prior to driving home for Christmas. I offered her some yummy russian tea to enjoy. After we had consumed a few cups, Jenny could see into the kitchen where MM had opened the lid to the tea and was dipping her fingers in to lick them. we laughed and hoped this was her first time putting her fingers into the tea jar. when bob came home that night I told him what happened. he informed me, sarah had done the same thing the night before. so basically we offered our guest some picked over tea. I am sure the hot water killed all germs...
note to self, bring your own drink to the sawyers....
please enjoy what their mug shots would look like....

Friday, December 5, 2008

lessons from a 3 year old

Coming home from school she told me about a boy who kept disobeying and pushed her. I asked if she pushed her sisters, "yes." Do you know what it is called MM? Sin. "Yeah, little kids sin, but adults don't." MM that's not true. You know when mom gets angry? I have to ask for forgiveness because it is sin. "Oh and when you take the computer from daddy, that is not showing patience or self control." -- I promptly redirected the conversation to trying to name all the fruit of the spirit before all my sin was discussed. Thanks MM!

supposedly she asked Laura Bullock to explain just how MM got here... how did she get in the belly?

a missionary from Africa came to her school today ... MM told us it doesn't snow there- Ms Liz went there but doesn't live there. And a bug bit Mrs. Cummings foot. She tells people about Jesus.

As she was forcing Caroline into the baby doll crib, "get in there so you can be in the manger."

while I was getting ready to go out last night..."I am going to get bigger and bigger and then we can like share shirts mommy."

Our house is always "educational" but just who is the teacher?

Sunday, November 30, 2008

Glamour Shots...

So the Sawyers are not candidates for glamour are some recent attempts to make a Christmas card. We convinced cousin Annie to go with us to take the pictures... on the coldest day yet in Boston...highs in the 20s with the windchill in the teens. That is when most sane people decide it is a good day to go outside... here are some of the funnier of pics... and the best is we have proof of one of the girls falls...(notice the other 2 are unfazed)-- Target may have video of the other twin falling out of the shopping cart onto the floor one day that week, but it is amazing what people can create with technology these I would turn my back on two 19 mo girls standing up in a cart to do some shopping. I guess we should be grateful it was carpet and not that "sawdust" at the basket (although you know they probably don't have a video there.. just gigantic blown up turkeys)...

there goes our hopes of making millions off of the next olsen twins...

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Everything is bigger...

first of all, I need to apologize to the few faithful readers of chezsawyer as I have been absent from blogging. I think the insanity of my three has become more of the norm, so I my reality has been changed....
here are a few fun stories from our recent trip to dallas. Flying with 3 wasn't as bad as expected with the help of polish Liz, snacks and a dvd player.
our first stop on the trip was Charlotte. Sarah managed to make friends the whole time as we turned around and she was on top of a chair, talking to a lady while playing with her bracelet. strangers?? we embrace them, take their valuables, and blow kisses the whole time....
fortunately she did not break the beaded bracelet.
while waiting for a plane in Dallas, she went up to a man who was in shorts and grabbed his knee. I explained we lived in Boston and hadn't seen flesh in months, but seriously, a little embarrassing....
on Friday night we went to my favorite tex-mex place, Mi Coscina with my brother and family. Sarah is shown in the pictures with a spoon to shovel the queso (cheese dip)... after a bit, she just resorted to shoveling it into her mouth with her hand....looking like she took a bath in yellow slime...
vomit score: 2
Truly her mother's daughter, never met a food she didn't like....she LOVED all the ice cream....and in true sawyer spirit, started fussing when her bowl of blue bell ice cream was finished....can you really blame her?
Caroline LOVED the swing outside and playing with all toys as long as she had control of the stroller.
She is the master of the slide -going down on her belly and showed No fear while entering a "jump house" with the big kids....
Her new best friend is Jake, not to be confused with Drake the dog, who read her books.
vomit score: can't part with my food
Mary Margaret
Can now recite the entire "King of Red" book. It rhymes, and after a few reads, she could finish the sentances. She sometimes is a little disturbing with the acuteness of her memory...
MM loved all of Texas, the food, time with cousins, and being outside. She played with Anne and managed to get into many water games all over the bed she was sleeping in...
One afternoon we were talking about the rug in the living room having squares. When asked how many, she replied, "so many." My brother asked her is she could count them, and she started, "uno, dos..." Thanks to Senorita Darrell (we call her Megan) and Dora. Yet again mom and dad can't take credit!
On our drive to the airport MM told her aunt Leslee that her dad's mom died. She then asked why nana hadn't come back from heaven? (tough question) I tried to explain that she was with Jesus now and would not be coming back. She then said, "you know, heaven is going to be a fun place."
As her cousin Anne was preparing for the SMU game on Saturday, she said..."go ponies." MM responded, "go Red Sox."
When telling her we had to leave to go back to Boston, MM stated, "texas is going to miss me."
vomit score: once when I was little, I did that, but now....

It was a great time, and now we are back home.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

New Highchairs

Now everyone can watch Dora together..."come on vamanos,,"

Just because Bob has no boys....

...does not mean we don't use shaving cream!!! it was a project to cover animals and cars in the shaving cream, but everyone liked painting themselves better. we are happy to loan Sarah out for any upcoming parties where face painting is needed.